Amber Moceri – Quality Manager
Over 10 years experience managing Quality Systems, training programs and APQP requirements for the automotive and industrial industries. Working with our Quality Assurance team and customer supplier development personnel to meet a wide range of best practices and compliance within the McMasters Koss Quality Department.

Audrey Willis – Quality Assurance
Over 5 years experience within Quality and ensures customer certifications and Quality reports including PPAP documentation are correct and on time to critical automotive manufacturers. Documented conformance to all customer requirements is judiciously maintained per our ISO 9001:2015 quality system and to ensure compliance to customer requirements.
In House calibrated testing is available for any critical requirements and can quickly be utilized to validate a customer characteristic or requirement.
Please click here to learn more about our testing capabilities.

Automated and Visual Inspection teams are available to verify conformance and address critical customer concerns. McMasters Koss offers a wide range of capabilities to meet the most difficult challenges.
We offer 100% Inspection for special situations that require it.
McMasters Koss Quality System has been formally utilized since 2000 and is regularly verified as compliant to requirements by American Systems Registrar.

All McMasters Koss products experience an incoming inspection as they enter our building and second inspection before they are shipped to you.
OEM manufacturers that depend on supply of O-Ring and seals have a proven track record of McMasters Koss meeting their needs with their JIT delivery requirements.