Perfluoruoroelastomers are fully fluorinated to provide the best chemical and highest temperature resistance of elastomers.

Perfluoroelastomers are used in high purity semiconductor applications where vacuum systems are sensitive to outgassing or contamination that can occur with typical elastomers.
Chemical and Petroleum Processing Applications may require high chemical and temperature resistance.
Rapid Gas Decompression (RGD) resistance in required in many downhole drilling applications.

Perfluoroelastomers are high cost seals due to the full fluorination manufacturing process and high purity requirements for some semiconductor applications.
Perfluoroelastomer compounds are not recommended for use with Uranium Hexafluoride, Fully Halogenated Freon or Fluorinated Solvents
Click Here to reach out to our sales engineering team with your Perfluoroelastomer application.